I have a sleepless night these days, due to staying up to do my assigments. I never read this much in my life. Whoever know me , for sure know me as one person whom hate to read so much. I mean all this serious book. As my tagline "wanna live my life like princess", one can tell from the tagline what kind of book can make me fascinated ? Fairytales!!!! hahahahah yeah! and more I love mysteries and historical too. Oh ya! back to my assignments, I done my part on Group assignments for LMP and part of CS this is due to the other part need me to evaluate and recommend which is I have to wait for the rest of the group part. How to evaluate? The truth is... hell! I don't know!!!! CS is new thing for me. I have not attend any class yet for this subject! Another heart popping out moment coming since I need to present on CS. Ah! I hate presentation. Gives me butterflies and ants and also worms in my stomach. Like throwing up. Hate public speaking! Introvert I am! I feel nervous an...
princesscindyrina is a Lifestyle, Travel, Beauty blog. Loves online shopping and travelling. If any brand interested to collaborate with my blog please reach out at cindyreena@gmail.com.