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Showing posts with the label her story

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That Lady

That lady She is staring up to the sky Is she thinking of that guy? That lady She look so lonely Did she live her life properly? That lady Her eyes is tearing I bet her heart is tearing... That lady She doesn't look sly Is she going to cry? That lady She make me want to know her story What is her the story? That lady I am looking at you As if I can get to know you That lady Why suddenly I feel this piece I am writing making me like I am not 'straight???? WTH!!!! I am straight!!!! That lady... I slapped myself... Pinching myself... I need to stop staring at her I need to stop wondering further Gosh!!! why am I writing this????? Haishhhh!!!!!... I have my moment know that sentimental mood...but this is not what I imagine...thinking of that lady???? Who is that lady anyway??? Why can't I write about man???? WTH!!!! Oh Wow!!!! I must be lonely....

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