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Streetsmart or Booksmart

Today interviewed 2 candidates for accounts position. Both are fair candidates with different quality. If the position opens for 2 vacancies , I may offer them both. However, I only need one person. One a diploma holder with 2 years working experience and streetsmart character (more like my character). She only available after one month notice. The other one fresh Bachelor Degree in Accountancy and still looking for 1st job. She is one ambitious girl and look professional and no doubt trainable. She available immediately. although I need replacement immediately, but yet after discussion with my colleague, both of us agreed to wait for the streetsmart. Reason being , we need somebody who really can handle situation and strong to face the challenge.Deep in my heart hope we made the right decision. Spoken to him again, ahhhh!!!! still can't let go. My attitude is my biggest weakness! I also cannot let go. I wish I can just close both eyes or at least have guts to ignore and close one

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