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Showing posts with the label jobs vacancy

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Bunch of Looser

Weekend almost over!!!!!! Hate it Trillion times. I was at BV11 for brunch with my ex officemate. Meet with them once in a while for catching up. Most of us will be talking about the same thing whenever we meet. I am looking for job! Ah! that is the most popular phrase! But everytime we meet and everytime we are all still sticking with our job and never change. Why? We want to change but we are all afraid to get our from our comfort zone. Most of the time we keep giving ourselves excuses to stay put. or I can say not determined enough for a change???? We end up just keep on talking and repeating t he same old phrase.... Yeah! bunch of looser including me hahahaha We need to start to act on what we preach!!! but we just can't???? Working day tomorrow??? Ah!!!!!!!!!

Proud to be myself

EPP Bonanza - 19 projects and development to contribute RM67billion in investment and will create 35,000 jobs. Just look at the list of 19 companies involve in this EPP under ETP and think deeper. I can't comment here. Just think deeper again the 35,000 jobs opening soon how this will be filled? Think and think harder as Malaysia. Who will be benifited? Just think deeper are all this while all these are well distributed among Malaysian or just limited to certain level??? Think again.... As Malaysian, I worked hard since I was 19 years old. Worked like donkey and with every sen I save up to finance my own study. Where I am now, I really proud of myself but not as Malaysian but just myself. Malaysia is not a bad country and we are among the bless one but it could been better. Anyway, let us all pray for the better for everybody! mmmm... today's work , was stuck in meeting for almost 4 hours and a half meeting. So damn sleepy but have to pretend as if I am fully awake and recharge

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