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Brightening and Radiance with Scientific Skincare

Lab101 Simple , Science , Effective I really overwork myself recently. Totally forgotten about skin care at all. I did the normal routine but forgotten about doing this in order plus keep trying my best to finish off the almost expire one. Auntie Scrooge ! Result from my ignorance and reckless act? My skin become darker, uneven and rough. Damn!  I open up new skincare pack for my daily skincare routine. This time from Lab101. I was a bit sceptical because this brand use scientific formula. My first impression for word a scientific is the products will be full of chemical. Yayaya...I know...that was my delusional thinking of science. Lab101 is a well-known skincare from Taiwan. So I am more confidence to try this out. I have been using Lab101 Bio Brilliance Series and UV Protector for 3 weeks now. Not all suit to my skin. Lab101 - Bio Brilliance Series This series is suitable for those who are looking out to reduce dark pigments and brightening skin...

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