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Showing posts with the label lazy

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I was so lazy... ooppppssss ... not was but still lazy. Somebody called me last night and still asking me the same question. Have you decided? mmmm... ah! should I answer or should I not answer. Dont want to be rude and dont feel like to be polite either. I reached home almost 12.30 noon and my mind focus to my marathon plan. Marathon for Playful Kiss...Manage to finish the entire episodes (16) until 12 mid nite.Yo! I am with my Zombie face to work... overdose of radiation from my computer. Anyway, I am happy and satisfy.I even dream about Hyun Joong at night.... wow...dont feel want to wake up at all.... I like the feeling of being in dreamland again... I was waiting for this for so long ever since Boys Over Flower and Personal Taste series craze ended. I have many photos to upload but yet I am so lazy. My CM trip was the most memorable journey. Of course hiccup here and there but manageable with my snobbish and cocky attitude make into play. hehehehe... Yeah! I am trying to be a DIV

Its another Monday

Since last night I went to bed early.. This morning I wake up with fresh mind.. stay positive Rina.. Exam this Saturday... huhuhuuuuu.. I don't have a clue what to expect! I listed down all the questions possible for each chapters then try my best to do some research and answer the questions.. Hopefully this method work! Later need to attend this routines Monday morning meeting! Lazy!!!!! but no choice.. I am trying my best to stay strong and try to eliminate any negative vibes around me... Hope this week a good one!!!!

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