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Showing posts with the label light coke

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My tea time... end up this is my dinner... during PMS time ...I need coke... during my Boss stays in Malaysia I need this coke as caffein to stay back! Eh? I thought I quit coke? mmmmmm....the late night working hours without any dinner ... Rotiboy is one buns to die for.... I am not a fan of bread at all... especially cold and dry bread. But this one save my hunger!!!!

Crown Regency Escapade

I was waiting since 2pm this afternoon at Coffee Bean near Crown Regency. Yeah! waiting for delegates from oversea came here to Malaysia for Training under our company sponsorship. They are our client and they are government people. I sacrificed my Sunday afternoon for them. uhuhuhuhu... That Crown Regency place was ok except for narrow horrible parking. My car is too long and wide and I have problem getting down to basement and even getting my way out. Aigooo.... Thank God its free parking since I paid for these people check in. Yeah! talking about my wiating escaped.... play around with my new so call ipad and my ovi until the battery went flat! ah! flight delay.... Then when they arrived , I helped them checked in and when time to give that so call 'allowance' aka tut tut money..... ah.... I feel wanna vomit blood... hate and disgusting to do all this nonsense. Those hand who receive these money is dirty hand and their face all lo0k like a fox to me. too much and against ...

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