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Showing posts with the label looser

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Bunch of Looser

Weekend almost over!!!!!! Hate it Trillion times. I was at BV11 for brunch with my ex officemate. Meet with them once in a while for catching up. Most of us will be talking about the same thing whenever we meet. I am looking for job! Ah! that is the most popular phrase! But everytime we meet and everytime we are all still sticking with our job and never change. Why? We want to change but we are all afraid to get our from our comfort zone. Most of the time we keep giving ourselves excuses to stay put. or I can say not determined enough for a change???? We end up just keep on talking and repeating t he same old phrase.... Yeah! bunch of looser including me hahahaha We need to start to act on what we preach!!! but we just can't???? Working day tomorrow??? Ah!!!!!!!!!

Apple Inc - Part 3

Yeayyyyy!!! done my Apple Case analysis finally.... Submitted to Turnitin and hopefully got at least 70% green result then can go ahead submit to Uni on either Friday & Saturday. Then my burden lighten and I can concentrate on my 18th & 25th exams. I had sat down in front of this laptop for almost 10 hours without a single food to my stomach just because I feel so fire up to finish up this assignment. The moment I stop and gone for dinner, my body feel so so hurt. I am going to organise all these papers lying around me and go to sleep. I am sure God will always with me and will help me to go through this stage with all courage and strength.

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