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Bloody messy

Today is my 1st day back to full time office work. Urggghhhhh!!!! that is all come out from me, hahaha... Yeah! I am so not in the mood. For the sake of my year end trips I am doing this! Not for other reason...only that motivate me to attend to his request for help. My mind is getting more complicated and the mess in this place seriously cannot help anymore. Minimise the mess that is all we can do. As mentioned , need to keep calm and just do whatever I can. This evening when I was driving back , I unintentionally blocking way to mosque entrance. I can't help it . I was at turning and the car in front of me suddenly stop. On the other side there was this black perodua alza trying to enter the mosque. I believe he is going to this mosque to pray... Since I am blocking his way, he honk me like I am committing the biggest sin. Argh! I just look at him and out of sudden he showed me his middle finger. I just look away.... and laugh and in my heart I was thinking something more fun...

You have to tell d tales

I have problems to claim for my NCD refund after I bought my new car. I had waited for almost a month and no clear answer given. They failed to even let me know what is the status on my claim and even don't even know who is the person in charge.Argh! Rina is really really angry. I can be one very patient and tolerance person but yet I can change my hat pretty fast to be the mean one! My blood rose to the top today! Mess with me? Let me use my 'power puff girl' power today!!!! Not because just the money but talking about right and wasting my freaking time to write and fax and fax and call and call. I wrote very 'nice' letter comparing the insurer to their competitor and told them how their competitor are now moving ahead without looking back in term of 'mint customer service'. I even quoted , if I were given a chance to speak to their CEO and this is the list of thing that I need him to improve. I even have guts to write about them not to come our with any ne...

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