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Showing posts with the label mizon korea

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Women!!! They can just do anything to stay young and pretty... Will you do this snail facial treatment??? Will you allow those snails to slide around on your face???? Me? I don't think so.... Research from Japan result , Snails mucus is anti wrinkle remedies...Oh wow... I need to to try this... So I end up doing some online shopping for snail cream and mainly from Korea. During ramadhan time , I usually wake up early in the morning, sometimes 4:30 am and during lazy time, I will end up waking at 4:45am for early breakfast. Must wake up to drink my black coffee..without it, I feel my day is incomplete. Normally, I don't sleep anymore after meal. No good for body and digestion. So end up surfing the net or watching my drama or study...and most of the time doing online shopping..ehehehehe... So the other day did some damage to my wallet by ordering these cosmetics shipped out direct from Korea. Mizon snail cream Totally love this cr...

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