For those who just started work, Welcome to adulthood! Earn some cash , be committed and take responsible. Working life is not as easy as student life. But hey student life is not easy too! Well trust me working life is a lot tougher. Not only all about work you need to concern and be prepared for office politic. Say what? Politic? I am not working in parliament or white house or blue house. Just decent job want to earn cash then live. Hahahaha... don't be so naive. There are people around us when we are working even in animal community they have politic. Office politic can make you loose you job and can make you climb up higher. Well it depends how smart you are in playing this game. Yup! I call this office game instead of office politic. How to make sure you are playing smart game in office? 1. Be focus on circle of imfluence Bitching and complaining is a norm in office world! Gossipping can be the release to your stress. When somebody gossipping about you and tr...
princesscindyrina is a Lifestyle, Travel, Beauty blog. Loves online shopping and travelling. If any brand interested to collaborate with my blog please reach out at