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Showing posts with the label place to eat in Taiping

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I grew up in Taiping for 5 years....chewaaahhh so long in Taiping. Seriously , if people asked me this questions... Where is the best place to visit in Taiping? My answer will be....Taiping Lake Garden, Maxwell Hill, Taiping Museum and Taiping Sentral...WTH! Where is the best place to eat in Taiping? My answer will be...errrrrrr??? my home? hahahahaha... I only eat at home. WTH! Still wanna ask me just because I am from here. Last 3 weeks , back to Taiping for a night . I visited my parent who still living there...trying my best to bring my parent around since both were too busy working last time and now when they finally have free time...they are too old to move around. What a pity! My friends! when you are young and have energy to move around, try to go places or you will end up old age regretting. Back to my story...things to do in Taiping. Recently discover Kuala Gula Sanctuary which is about 1 hour drive from Taiping. Whoaaaa...we never plan this o

A walk to remember

Like many others... I have memories to remember my younger time. The smells of refreshing 'old trees'.... Calming green lake.... Peaceful view of tree branches bowing down to the water... What a lovely scene.... I just love this beautiful nature... I want to remember this forever....     For old time memory sake....hhehehehe ...WTH!!!!   Oh Gosh!!!!! ridiculous scene...trying to do the surfing pose...WTH!!!! I guess my photographer almost rolling to the ground trying to capture me...WTH!!!   'Chatime' at Taiping Lake Garden   This is nothing got to do with lake garden but trying my best to be a obedient daughter... By eating this 'roti telur' for breakfast???? Nay!!!!!! Waking up early morning... and that morning happen to be raining day... The feeling to force yourself to get out of warm comfortable blanket...Gosh!!!! For my parent sake.... End up volunteering to drive them to morning market....ear

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