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Living Life Healthily with Power Walking

I recently trying my best to stay healthy. After looking at the mirror and see the muffin top of mine look like overdosed of baking powder. uhuhuhuh... Plus my waist down kind of super hurt these days. Gosh! I guess am getting heavier each day. Since I have been adapting eating healthily for 5 days a week...mmmm..why not to combine this with some healthy exercise. I admit that my perseverance to exercise is super low. I keep delaying almost every day. Oh! shall I just confess I did exercise through my mind? Procrastination! kekekeke... Recently, I read about power walking for 30 minutes a day can help with better health. So last Sunday, owh! yesterday I started to do this power walking. I lasted for one hour on the treadmill yesterday. Whoa!!!!... I amazed with my own performance. I don't expect to lose weight since I already don't put too much hope on losing weight after many years trying but just hope I can at least stay healthy to continue this routine.

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