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I hate myself

Finally , my LD learning journal submitted. I never been this late to do and submit my assignment. My efficiency seriously drop tremendously. Today's presentation seriously a flop! Why? I was very thirsty when I was presenting. Fasting month make thing worst. My mouth and throat was very dried just now. I feel very feel ashamed of myself. apart from that, I don't see any improvement in my presentation skills at all! No confidence at all. right after the presentation I wish I am an ostrich. So I can hide my head underground... uhuhuhuh.. I hate myself for that. I am still trying to figure out on what had happened to me. My schedule was very pack this week. Individual IB assignment coming up to due date next week. Then next group assignment the next week. Same time, I need to study on the products knowledge. This is extremely important. I feel very tired.... I am uncertain towards my future.... is it really going to be good, bad or whatTTTTTTT????

Apple Inc Part 1

This morning I was driving with one eye open due to my contact lense came out. My eyes too dry.Is so difficult and scary. Thank God! manage to reach office safely. Last night, I am suppose to start my analysis on SWOT, Value Chain, PESTLE and many other tools that I had learned in my Competitive Strategy class on Apple Inc. Yeah! need to complete that by this Sunday and send over to turnitin and get the cert. then can submit on 10th July 2009. Worst thing! I end up staring at the computer blank and don't know how to start... I suppose to think about Apple Inc. but end up think about Apple as a fruit. Isshhh! for 3 hours sat there with all apples flying above my head. How to start? Even this morning I am in the office I still don't have any clue on how to start. I will try again tonight and think hard about this when I am driving back tonight. I am also very worried on my coming Saturday presentation. Ah! for the sake of getting the salary at the end of the month. I will give m...

Staying Alive

Thank God! the presentation was over! My nervous breakdown much more better than my 1st presentation. I still unhappy because I still unable to put that confidence when talking. I admire one of my coursemate whom sat down on the table and just talk and talk without even having any notes to refer. So confidence! I am over jealous and envy him! As we predicted since our group present Proton Berhad so many question arises when Q&A session open to the floor... We need to submit the written report soon so currently , I am working on it. Many analysis need to put in but there were words limit. To write and elaborate is not that difficult but to cut down the words from 2,000 to 1,500 is the challenge. You feel everything is important! My other team member will hate me so much because they give me no choice to throw some of their write up to appendix in term of referrence table. Forgive me! I need to make sure all of us to comply with the rules. I am trying to finish all this at least by t...

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