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Showing posts with the label princess talk

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Last weekend, one lady asked me this question... Lady : "Rina! when you old and not working in office anymore...what will you do?" Me : "Huh?" This question really caught me...I paused for a few minutes... Lady : " Business?" Me : "mmmmmm.....what business? I don't want to lose my savings money and pour into the business that I still have doubt..." Lady : "Ya lor...cannot like that like mad dog all sweat and tears ..oh i forgot blood money too..cause pms every month ma..." Me : " Ya ya...blood money" Lady and me laugh out loud....trying to hide both worrisome on what to do if not working. I bet she has the same worries like me too. Then both of us silence for a while...busy thinking...what to do after not working. Then ... Me : " Aiyahhh!!!! cannot be we continue life waking up...donno where to go newspaper..then do what??? watch korean drama ar???" Lady : ...

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