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Peaceful Sunday

Bird chirping sounds outside....sha la la la sha la la la... Slow rock song.... Fresh Lemon grass scent smells from aromatheraphy set...  Lovely Sunday ahead....   I was up since 4:30am in the morning for early breakfast. I have long black coffee from starbuck coffee powder, steamed whole grained flower bread with melted butter and cherries. Delicious breakfast ever!   Then I started writing my book. Yup! continuing my hold up resolution since last year. I am hoping to publish it by end of this year or at least early next year.   Ah! people may think with your kind of English think you can make it as a writer? Have you ever hear about Editing Service? We can just pay people for this with money. Money is not everything but it can solve some of your weakness. Don't you think so? All you need is some investment in your time, ideas and of course small amount of money to realise your dream.   Am I...

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