One of my staff just resigned last Friday. My girl fall sick and not just sick maybe more than sick.. ah ! donno what I am talking mumbling about. Leaving me with one intern and one trainee. Luckily , I have one intern to give me a hand. This afternoon when that fella were talking about changing the company name and also change his mind on his current 3 years company's name. I was like want to laugh loudly to his face... Whatever! You can have thousands company. You can rent more or buy more office. But hey! who wants to work for you???? People keep leaving you!!!! Wake up!!! This evening I just gave my peace of mind to one lady... ah ! this people really make me boiling!!! My feeling right now is to open the window and jump from 12th floor!!!! Angry! very very angry and upset!
princesscindyrina is a Lifestyle, Travel, Beauty blog. Loves online shopping and travelling. If any brand interested to collaborate with my blog please reach out at