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Showing posts with the label s line

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Envy them

I always wants to loose weight. Who doesnt want that? I was working hard nowadays. Eat 3 meals a day and exercising for 30 minutes every evening. Cant afford for one hour . :( But I feel I am bloated even more than before. Maybe the exercising part. Ah! need to increase more. I was looking for korean girl music group diet and routine. I came across SNSD girl group diet. Ah! can I do that? Breakfast * Sweet pumpkin, cherry tomatoes,puddings Lunch * Lemon, tomatoes,veggie salad Dinner * Watermelon, pineapples,shrimp salad Their food intake is 1200 cal per day. They then go through their dance routine from AM to AM. No joke! The result is the perfect abs of Yuri and great 'S' line for all of them. Ah! they are working really hard. Make a lot of money but they dont really enjoy food. They look very skinny. Me too want to follow their regime but too difficult for self control. I will tell the world if I have that kind of self control and loose weight.

Trying to loose weight

I was trying hard to eat healthily this week. Monday morning breakfast oat blend with strawberries, anlene milk and yogurt. I have spinach soup with 2 beancurd and then I skip dinner. At night continue my dance routine of kpop song for an hour. Result for Monday.....uhuhuhuhuhu can't sleep because too hungry. Tuesday morning, compensate with half plate of 'nasi lemak' (yeah! the most fattening food in Malaysia)kekekekeke... here goes my healthy diet. Obviously , my dream to have 'S' line pass by just like that.huhuhuhuhuhu Nowadays, I feel I am so lack of discipline:( Yesterday, I received a call from one candidate who sent his resume via online. Yeah! I read his application but just not ready to interview him yet due to his technical background. I need suitable technical staff to interview him. He kind of oversold himself calling to my office at least 4 times. I come to extend to instruct my girl not to put him through to me. I took his first call and he keep sell

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