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Showing posts with the label school holiday in malaysia

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How to resist this temptation? I am talking about Ipad2...... Tempting to order online that 32Gb Gadget from that Apple Store! Can God give me more strength and don't make me loose again this time? I love school holiday. Traffic was smooth like jelly. I like it ! I like it! ahak ahak...:) Boss not around! Time to lofting around.. kekekeke yeah! yeah! as long as I can deliver good result anything will do. Read an article about that covered woman who want all the wife in Malaysia to act like a prostitute in front of husband. Aissshhhh... she better go find something better to get famous over night! Maybe her statement was misinterpreted by the media. We don't know! Whatever it is all woman in the world, please get your feet together and put your head up. Your husband is just a human and they are not God. Come to your senses and  live as individual like normal human did! My Eel Jang Keun Suk was here last week. It was late when my friend told me he has 2 tickets to J

Lazy Monday

Yes! it is Monday Monday... 4 more days to Saturday!!!! I wish everyday is school holiday... less traffic jam. So all children you no need to go to school , home schooling will be better :) What I do last weekend? Breakie at Old Town Jaya One on Sat with X Office mate. Then shop at my favorite store. Back home and then out again to try my luck for kungfu panda aka my brother.:) But no luck ...end up eating yeah! me eat eat eat what else you want me to do. Today ah!!!! look at that table of mind...mmmmm long day today especially my Bos is flying into Malaysia. I can't see the light for me to off early this week. Now my mood swing is swinging up and down. How nice if I don't choose to be greedy.... Then my life would be a lot easier!!!!!

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