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No pain no Gain

My mood swing getting bad and bad, partly because I am too exhausted these few weeks. Not enough rest and sleep! My freaking client ' so called my employer' drive me nuts! Yeah! I treat all my employers like my client. I am so called providing services to them and they will pay me for my services. I have been putting up with this one for almost 3 years. I want to end my services soonest possible. By hook or by crook I need to find my way out from this place. I am telling myself over and over again , I will push myself harder and harder to make this happen. Not simply exit from this place but also prepare myself for good future. I have plan and in the midst of expidite this plan but I have to expect my life will be like hell this few months. Hopefully everyting will be in place by Christmas this year. I have to sacrifice many things from now on... Life getting harder when you are determined to achieve something! No pain no Gain.. I will marked this phrase... i will paste this ph...

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