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Showing posts with the label the courage

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When I was writing this entry....hahahahaha...the feeling was like...YEAYYYYYYY!!!! Its over...its over!!!  Some of you thought that I am taking my Doctorate? wink! wink! I wish I could afford to pay for my Doctorate. Can't blame you for thinking I am studying for Doctorate...because I am so Drama Queen!!!! hahahaha GOT YA!!!  I hate public speaking but I dare myself and signed up for this course called Train the Trainer under MIM-PSMB. We were taught how to design a workshop and bla bla bla...basically preparing yourself to be a Trainer. Then can 'cari makan' a bit become management consultant plus do some training for other company who wants me to train their staff. I wanna retire in style from my office work then go from company to company and just talk and talk and point here and there get people to do all the jobs...muahahahaha...WTH! This photo is my presentation slide cover. Yes! I choose the topic THE COURAGE TO MANAGE DIFFICULT B...

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