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Renew Passport in Malaysia

  Finally, I renewed my passport, which expired in 2022. Yes! I am planning to resume my travel adventure again this year, provided no WHO Drama and vaccine-selling propaganda going on again. May God on my side help me fulfil my dreams before reach 50 years old this year. Here is my experience renewing my passport. Overall the experience could be better especially government which has billions of budget allocations in implementing good service to the public.  As long as you are 13 years old and above, you must renew your passport online. I saw the officer rejected some walk-in renewal applicants. Oh! They accept walk in application for senior citizen and people who accompany below 12 years old applicants. Tips for online passport renewal 1. There are some common problems when renewing a passport online. First, you couldn't upload the photo. Just make sure you follow the immigration photo specification guidelines. You can always check on Immigration Malaysia's Official Website.

Syahirah Korean Secrets White Glow Brightening Essence Review

  This will be my first time trying out Syahirah brand skincare. The one in my hand here is Syahirah Korean Secrets White Glow Brightening Essence. I have tried many essences from different brands before this. So, I was a bit skeptical about whether this one is just the same as others or different. me all essence is the same.  I always have 3 skin problems : * Uneven skin tone * Dark spot pigmentation * Dry skin If I end up using the wrong serum or essence my skin will become super dull and make me look unhealthy and so sad. aisshhh... So, I am quite selective to try out such skincare. Worst if it irritates my skin. People! do a patch test on the other part of your skin before jumping into applying any skincare to your face or you may end up looking like a beast if it doesn't suit your skin. Anyway, today I am going to write a post about my honest review of Syahirah Syahirah Korean Secrets White Glow Brightening Essence for you. When Syahirah Glow Essence reached me, I

How To Teach Kids About Finances with Interactive Games

  Parenting is not just about teaching kids to behave and be good boys and girls. Being ambitious and having good dreams for a better future is important but a good sense of managing money or finances is equally important.  When it's time for them to make financial decisions for example savings, investment, and even dealings with basic daily life transactions, a good basic foundation and knowledge are essential. Believe it or not, there are sayings that only those who can do well in life can do well with money. There are a few ways to teach kids about money and how to take financial decisions : 1. Lead by example - Start getting your kids involved in grocery shopping and explain the comparison of goods prices and show them how to purchase the right one. 2. Earn the allowance - Educate your kids to earn the keeps. They will appreciate every penny they earned through chores or tasks given. 3. Savings Habit - Gift them a piggy bank or jar to teach them saving habits. This is to elimin

Green Rebel Plant Based Food In Malaysia

  I was delighted when the Green Rebel finally reached Malaysia. I heard about them last year and was so craving to try them. Green Rebel is Indonesia's leading alternative - protein startup. Malaysia is the second market expansion outside Indonesia and Singapore. Green Rebel offers whole-cut plant-based meat alternatives for Southeast Asian consumers in search of a healthier flexitarian diet. Things that I have been told that Green Rebel's products are thoughtfully curated by chefs, nutritionists, and food technologists to provide optimal nutrition and taste profile while minimizing carbon footprint. Green Rebel's products are ready-to-cook and will only take less than six minutes from fridge to table, and can last up to 12 months in the freezer. Totally on point for people who lead busy schedules and live fast-paced lifestyles as it is a more convenient option to prepare daily meals at home. Up to now, what do you think Green Rebel food is? As mentioned this is a plant-ba

How To Determine Car Affordability Based On Salary

  Reality checked! To be honest, Malaysia's public transportation is beyond convenient for some of us. This causes us to get another way of transportation such as Car, Motorcycle or Bicycle. The motorcycle seems not so practical for some of us, especially women because it seems dangerous and our weather climate is unpredictable. As for bicycles, the specific lane is not enough. Either inconvenient at all or poor maintenance and most of the time the cyclist is prone to danger due to ruthless motorcyclists. For the majority of us, we are left with no choice but to get a car, Although, Malaysia's traffic jam is famous for being horrendous.  Some of us end up spending too much on expenses just to own a car. Many end up trying to fulfil their dreams to get a car beyond their affordability. This ends up becoming a burden. Many forget, that buying a car is just about an instalment payment. There are many other expenses to add in such as - maintenance, repairs, insurance and road tax.

Struggling To Stay Healthy In the 40s : Reversing Diabetes Type 2

I was diagnosed with Diabetes Type 2 in early May 2022 which is right after Hari Raya Aidilfitri. I was devastated by the result. All this while, I was very careful with the sugar intake. I don't really drink a sugary drink. I prefer black with no sugar for my coffee. I chose plain water over a sugary drink. My homecooked food with no sugar added. Why? Why? The Doctor's explanation was easy, your parent may have diabetes. This is inheritance. I was like...Duh!!!! I prefer monetary inheritance rather than bad genes.  The doctor said not time to be too upset over this. I give you 3 weeks to reverse this since you are confident, that you are leading a healthy lifestyle. No medication will be prescribed at this moment. Please come back for the test again in 3 weeks' time.  So...this is like, I was given a second chance? God Bless! I went back home with a sworn to do a very strict diet. At the same time, I read there is an Ayurveda method to drink curry leaves powder with warm w

How To Renew Passport Malaysia Online

  It has been a long time ever since hold my passport. Time to renew the passport. Recently, The Malaysian Immigration Department announced that Malaysian international passport renewals must be done online. In another word, anyone in Malaysian needs to be IT savvy.   Although, they did mention the offline passport renewal only on a case basis. Below are some of the cases listed for walk-in passport renewals : 👉 First timer citizen 60 years and above 👉 Children under the age of 13 years 👉 Citizens going for Hajj 👉 Students who are studying abroad aged 21 years and under 👉 Citizen with fingerprint problem 👉 Citizen who lost or damage the old passport How to renew a passport online? Step 1: Visit Immigration's website. Click on the blue " Setuju " which means Agree. Don't know why the English version of that website not working at the time, I visited. Does anyone else have the same issue? Step 2:  Fill in the information required in the MyOnline Passport form Ju

Pros and Cons of Buying A House

  When I was young, I rather save cash than purchase a property on my own. I don't want to commit to a huge monthly commitment. To be honest, I felt insecure able to keep my job for the long term.  What if I lost my job? I really don't want to put myself in a debts situation. Another factor to take into consideration is the surrounding environment may change in a long term. So, I don't buy property until my later stage. I make sure to have enough cash to settle off my house loan before committing the loan. Well, this is my way. For those young people out there who are planning to buy a house, take the factors below before making your long term commitment decision. The Pros Of Buying A House Better Privacy and Control Over Your Space You can create your dream living space freely. As long as the local authority permits, you can renovate and decorate your living space to your liking without house owner approval because you are the owner.  Long Term Stability You are unlikely t

L'Oréal Paris to reward local online content creator trips to Paris

  Calling all Online 'Beauty Guru'!!! One Malaysian content creator to win two tickets to Paris, contract awards to five be the brand’s live streamers on top of cash prize RM5,000 each   L'Oréal Paris, the world's number one beauty brand, takes its relationship with Shopee to the next level after a series of success stories selling on Shopee Live Platform.   The new collaboration involves organising a L’Oréal Star Search,  competition in which one Malaysian live-streamer will be selected as a winner of two tickets Paris, five contestants to be awarded contracts to be the brand’s live streamers on top of a cash prize of RM5,000 each.   Commenting on this collaboration, Tran Hoa, Marketing Manager of L’Oréal Paris in Malaysia said that the brand had experienced “impressive results participating in 11 hours live streaming program during the Shopee 11.11 Big Sale in which unique viewerships exceeded 103,000 and translated to sales breaching RM31,000.”   This time around, t

Signs of Vitamin B Deficiency

  Most of us are aware of the importance of vitamin C to boost our immune system or even vitamin E to nourish our skin and hair. Many neglected vitamin B which is equally important.  I personally have had the symptoms of vitamin B deficiency not long ago. Among the obvious symptoms, I get was fatigue and skin rashes.  Anyway, the symptoms vary depending on which vitamin B you're deficient in. Other symptoms could be mouth ulcer, chapped lip, low mood and always feeling restless, easily irritated, muscle & nerve issues such as numbness, pins and needles sensation, weak muscle. If you have some of these symptoms please consult the doctor or time for a medical check-up.  Vitamin B indeed has large family members and in general, is referred to as B complex. I was confused at first. Here you go the list of Vitamin B complex for you to take note. Vitamin B1 👉  helps to converts carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy Vitamin B2 👉 assist in releases energy from carbohydrates, f

Signs Your Spine is Out Of Alignment

Just like a car out body has misalignment spine condition. Misalignment spine is so uncomfortable, it can lead to serious problems if don't solve it quickly. Trust me! I am writing from my personal experience. I bet many of us don't realize this and accepting it as part of normal life. We thought it was just part of us and eventually will heal off. So, What is a Spinal Misalignment? The spine is our body main core. It must stay strong and stable to support the musculoskeletal part of the bot to keep it straight upright. It protects the central nervous system too. Our body will maintain strong and easy mobility without interruption if we have a strong and perfect alignment spine  Here are the top signs that your spine is out of alignment : 1. Constantly suffer from headaches, back pain or joint pain 2. Frequently crack your neck, back or other joints of your body  3. Uneven wear out the heel of your shoes  4. Stiff neck, back,  hips and other joints. It couldn't turn easily

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