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Showing posts with the label tsunami

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Phuket and Tsunami

I just arrived from Phuket today at 1:15pm Then I read this news....Phuket International airport closed on wednesday after tsunami warning.... Just in nick of time... If not I will be among who stranded there... I heard it hit Phangnga ....mmmm I was there on Friday, Saturday, Sunday ,Monday and Tuesday....and Wednesday too until my flight depart on 10:25am . When I look down from the plane through my seat window. Everything look calm and peace. The sea was emerald green and blue..beautiful with many islands lying around wildly..... nothing unusual and unexpected blow if it really hit big later. We never know... Oh ya! last night I was having a great time listening to reggae song from Bob Marley while eating fresh grilled seafood by the beach at Kata, Phuket. It was like about to rain with lightning and strong wind...  At first I thought want to just pack the dinner and eat in my room which is about 10 minutes walk. Change my mind since last night is my last night

While I am enjoying

I feel devastated to witness such horrible disaster whille I am alive. I feel sad and hurt for the news. All I ever heard it was history. This time it really happening. Start from Tsunami wiped out Acheh and Sri Lanka and this time our great sun rising country Japan. Imagine the lost. The lost of family , your love ones and all beloging. The survivor need to move on and start all over again with strong heart and strong feet. The dead, we just pray with hope they could let go and go peacefully. This is all God will. He knows what he is doing. I read in my favourite kpop news my beloved Kim Hyun Joong have a big heart. He immediately donated 10 million won to the victim in Japan. Saranghae.....Hyun Joong! While I am enjoying food others are suffering for no food.... I feel a bit guilty in heart.... My mind does not wake up this morning... I drove to work half heartedly. Knowing the fact school holiday started. I feel I am schooling too and need a break too. But it is all in my sweete

Krabi 4th Day - 4 Island Hoping (1st Island)

speed Boat clear sky good weather hot sun uwaaaaa no need sun bathe Yo Yo yo my 1st time speed boat ride Here come the 1st Island clear jade green sea water Dark brownie me Behind is marine base These ppl live here and response to our calls when we need them hungry! can eat or not? My 1st beach art shot My 2nd beach art shot Nice weather nice shot Beautiful scene another art shot wish I could swim and climb that rock island can see my ageing spot... wonder of make up they hide everything and without it you look 5 addition to your original age - the ugly side of me

Krabi 3rd Day - The World Molluse Fossil site

I thought this is Pamelo but I was wrong! Mystery big 'pamelo'in krabi. dont know what fruit Cam Whore even when I am tired Drink coconut just now... then only I realise I was sitting next to Kancil. kancil in krabi? Its a small world after all This is Tsunami hazard place This is the fossil cemetary site amazing... Hot hot day! but the view was fantastic Walked on this hot path without my slippers.... I am afraid to be in Krabi prison because there is sign not to where slippers while walking on this site sample of the fossil The wave is amzingly beautiful fossil from near view soft shell... i touch them... proud ahahaha Hot day! I saw people buying this ice cream... Bread top with glutunious rice at bottom then coconut ice cream, attap chee, corns,ground nut and evaporated milk.... ah!!! refreshing and yummy yummy yummy yummy.... only RM2... wow better than paddle pop.

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