I am seriously exhausted these few weeks. But this week really challenge my strength. My workload at work no doubt very hectic with short handed of side kick! My future plan and on going process also killing me. Its better if this killing me rather than my existing work kiling me. At least I feel more better! Advertorial I posted on last Thursday received very good response. I receive emails, phone call and doing presentation to convince people to sign up ,make me tense. From Monday to Sunday I am working! But I enjoy doing this and I am getting more and more familiarise to present! I know I can build up my networking fast. Target 2 branches every month and will cool down once it reach 16. Long way to go honey! long way! I had not even started with my LD individual assignment - due date this Sunday. uhuhuhuhuhu.. This coming week my IB class starting and yet another presentation coming up on this Sunday. I manage to squeeze time for long delay acupuncture to my dislocate jaw or what so...
princesscindyrina is a Lifestyle, Travel, Beauty blog. Loves online shopping and travelling. If any brand interested to collaborate with my blog please reach out at cindyreena@gmail.com.